
Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Retail store sales Executive - Mumbai


Retail Sales Executive: Retail Store
Product: Computers/ Hardware/ Software

Good Grasping Power
Aggressive to Achieve Target
Handling Walk-in customer
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Thursday, 12 October 2017

resume sample accountant

HR Jokes


HR Jokes


HR - There is a 2 years gap on your CV!
Candidate - I was in jail.
HR - Why?
Candidate:- I killed the last HR who said "we'll get back to you"
HR:- You're Hired!  

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

BlueGean is offering lowest prices on resume writing services.


For limited period only, BlueGean is offering lowest prices on resume writing services.

That's right, you can purchase any of our Professional Package, Executive Profiling or Economy solution. Our CV writing services get an additional offer of free Cover letter writing for this year end offer. This year, Present yourself with a new style to the companies and grab that job offer.
Year End Offers price
29th Dec 2013 to 5th Jan 2014
  • Offer 1 – Rs.300: Resume Writing  Services for Fresher’s or professionals with up to 2 years of experience
  • Offer 2 – Rs.500: Resume Writing  Services for Professionals with 2-4 years of experience
  • Offer 3 – Rs.800: Resume Writing  Services for Professionals with over 4-5 years of experience 
  • Offer 4 – Rs.999: Resume Writing  Services for Professionals with 5 - 8 years of experience 
  • Offer 4 – Rs.1499: Resume Writing  Services for Professionals with over 8 years of experience 

Creating profile is like creating a marketing campaign, More visibility, more show-off, more elite and unique - more the price & demand then the competition.

BlueGean can help you achieve above mentioned goals, We are not just resume writers We are your branding & marketing consultants. Our 7+ years of experience into HR services, recruitment, career counselor's and resume writing makes us the Branding-Guru of new age candidates.

For ordering our services please revert on this email or speak to our resume guru on 9702637852

We wish a happy new year and a successful career.

Get a free CV assessment from BlueGean resume writing services.


Get a free CV assessment from BlueGean resume writing services in Mumbai

There are alot of things that we miss out and don't mention and sometime we mention something we should not have on resume. and you know that's why you get rejected

Mostly the Hiring manager decides within the 1st 5 minutes of your interview weather to hire you or not..and that's when he is holding your resume in his hands..

so what are your waiting for just send your resume on and find out how to improve and get hired...

Hurryyyyy the offer is for limited period only...

Call me at: 9702637852.


Monday, 30 September 2013

"We will get back to you"


"We will get back to you" the typical answer that almost 95% HR Managers/Interviewer give every candidate after finishing the interview. 

So whats the story behind this? am i reject? on hold? not suitable? they need time to think or its just the interviewer was not sure on his decision..

How i hire?

When i am interviewing a candidate, i know the its not only the candidate who is selling himself to me but its also the other way round. 

We always blame the candidates for not joining the company even after accepting the offer.

It's a very controversial subject. lets see what both the parties think.

What Employers think: 
1. We have given the best offer.
2. As we have invested good time and money in the hiring process, Candidates should not back out after accepting the offer.
3. We have the best working culture.
4. There are plenty of candidates in the market.

etc.. etc...

I know i know its not the story with every company but yes its with most of companies struggling to hire new talent and retain them.

What candidates think:
1. Offer below expectation
2. The company did not disclose enough information about the work and rest policies.
3. Am i going to have a secured career with them?
5. What offer others are getting?

 Its always disheartening for the recruiters when a candidate backs out. I may not be fully right but i indeed feel that there are measures to be taken and things will improve if both the parties play fare games.

1. Disclose all the information related to the position.
2. Disclose company policies in advance.
3. Disclose the interview result in the shortest possible time.
4. Try to justify the offer.
5. Never under offer.
6. The candidates have right to know about their future with the company.

Doing above things will help companies earn good respect in the eyes of candidates and hence will improve the joining ratio.

1. Candidates should disclose every information related to their candidature.
2. Should take minimum time to revert on the offer.
3. Should not hide if they already hold other offers.
4. Should attend the interview on time if committed.
6. Never Lie about their candidature.

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